edit: based on information from this chart, numbers have been adjusted. Really anything between 8 and 30 seems reasonable. If you think sims ovulate 3 times a day binomial statistics gives us a 22% chance of conception. Attempting some statistics with lots of assumptions (this is a simulation game after all!) you'll find an 8% average risk of pregnancy per cycle.

MC_woohoo now real women have ovulation cycles, but sims live so fast they'd have 3 of them a day! In reality, with unprotected "woohoo" conception risk can be as low as 5.8% and just before ovulation ranging from 15-30%, which 30 is the default MC setting. If the population of kids gets too high, this may need to be adjusted and i'll edit this post in the future. I'm planning on checking my population after a few generations pass. percent baby: 5 percent toddler: 18 percent child: 37 (teens get the remainder 40%) percent adults: 46 percent elder: 18 (young adults get the remainder 36%) and don't forget there's slightly more females in the world percent Male: 49 MC_Pregnancy I looked this one up Same Sex Adoption Percent: 21 Pregnancy_PercentAdjustment: 0 I'm leaving this one alone for now. You are far more likley to see a child because they are around 32 days. For example, you will see only 5% babies generated because they are only around a short time. The percents let MCCC create them proportionally based off real 2010 census data while actually taking into account the age settings above. Adult employment: 73 to 83 percent (includes young adult) Elder employment: 17 to 19 percent teen employment: 23 to 33 percent MC Population settings dependent sims (teens toddlers children babies) and independent sims are created in separate pools. babies: 4 days (to age 1) toddlers: 16 days (to age 5) children: 32 days (to age 13) teens: 32 days (to age 21) Young Adult: 76 days (to age 40) Adult: 100 days (to age 65) Elder: 56 days (to age 79) MC Career settings these numbers came from the census. Normal has been working great for me on rotational play giving sims a life span of around 316 days, or 4 sim days per year of life. changing to short or long will multiply these base numbers. AGES I based aging off the default pregnancy of the game on normal mode which is ~3 sim days. This isn't complete by any means but it's a fine start. There's a ton of "realistic aging mods" out there that seemed arbitrary, so I got real details and went a little further. I did a little census/data research and came up with some settings for use on MC_command center a popular Mod for the Sims 4. EDIT: some changes made below based on more accurate data EDIT2: Pets life spans Hey all I thought I'd share.